Mainline Pipeline

Working on Mainline Pipelines includes the construction, installation, treating, reconditioning, taming-up, rebeveling, re-laying, relocating, double jointing and/or testing of pipelines or pipeline segments which transport gas, oil, vapours, liquids, slurries, solids or other pipeable materials. Members may also work on underground and marine cables.

Mainline Pipelines include:

    • Cross-country pipelines including portions of such pipelines within private property boundaries which are an integral part of the pipeline system
    • Pipelines to or from storage facilities
    • Pipelines constructed as underground cable conduits between originating plant terminals and town border stations
    • Pipelines transporting water or slurries for irrigational, waste disposal, industrial, commercial, institutional or residential use, other than process water supply or discharge lines and water or sewage laterals, the construction of which employs the same or similar methods, equipment, or organization as used in performing the work described above